Mireia Ruiz Castilla
Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Medical Association registration nº: 39512
Academic background
- 1998 – 2004: Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the Universitat Autònoma, Barcelona
- 2005 – 2010: Specialist residency training in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
- 2009 – 2010: Master’s degree, entitled “Expert in Microsurgical techniques. XII theoretical and practical course in microsurgical techniques”. Hand and peripheral nerve surgery unit, Hospital de Sabadell. (Supervisor: Dr. J.Ramón Solé)
- 2018 PhD in Surgery – Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona: “Role of the IL33/ST2 axis in the burned patients” receiveing a unanimous Summa Cum Laude.
- 2018 Robotic Surgery Course by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lorraine, France.
Professional career
- 2016 – present: Head of Service at the Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Unit at the Hospital Quirónsalud Barcelona
- 2010 – 2018 Attending Specialist Physician at the Plastic, Reconstructive and Burn Surgery Service at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital.
- 2013 – 2017 Specialist Physician in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Centre, Mataró.
- Extensive experience in the medical and surgical management of mammary pathology, cutaneous oncology, burns, facial fractures, hand surgery and altered skin coverage, with both conventional and microsurgical techniques.
- Participation in the world’s first total face transplant.
- Participation in the second face transplant at the Hospital Vall d’Hebron.
Teaching activities
- Assistant lecturer on the course in Plastic Surgery on the Degree in Medicine at the Universitat Autònoma, Barcelona (Teaching unit: Vall d’Hebron)
- Lecturer on the course Comprehensive treatment of the burn patient, part of the postgraduate course entitled Nursing care in people with burns, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital
- Lecturer on the course Comprehensive treatment of the burn patient (Josep Trueta University Hospital) 2010.
- Organizer of the International Conference on Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, London 11-12 March.
Membership of professional associations
- Member of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
- Member of the Catalan Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
- Member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
- Founding member of the Women Organization of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of Spain (WOPRASS).
Special recognitions
- Considered among the 5 best plastic surgeoins in Spain by Forbes in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
- Considered among the 50 best femmale doctors in Spain by Vanitatis – El Confidencial en 2021.
- Collaborator of the radio program “En Bones Mans” de Onda Cero Radio.
- Considered among the best reviewers of the Burns Journal in 2017.
- Special mention in the Innovation Contest of the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute, 2014.
Attendance at courses and congresses
- Microsurgery course in plastic and reconstructive surgery, 2006
- Comprehensive care for burn patients, 2006
- Techniques of osteosynthesis of the facial skeleton, 2006
- Facial plastic and aesthetic surgery, 2006
- Microsurgical training course, 2007
- Fifth initiation course in microsurgery, 2007
- Comprehensive care for burn patients, 2007
- Difficult cases in plastic surgery, 2007
- Update in breast reconstruction and difficult cases and complications of breast augmentation, 2008
- Rhinoplasty, 2006
- XLI congress of SECPRE, 2006
- Facial plastic surgery, 2007
- Rhinoplasty, October 2007
- Annual course of reconstructive surgery for resident doctors: fundamental flaps in plastic surgery, techniques and indications, 2008
- Tenth course in the comprehensive treatment of burn patients, 2008
- Second course in breast surgery, 2008
- Reconstructive and aesthetic ear surgery, 2008
- In-service training course organized by the Catalan Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 2007-2008
- Facial paralysis, 2009
- Breast surgery, 2008
- In-service training course organized by the Catalan Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 2008-2009
- Cadaveric dissection course, 2008-2009, UB Hospital Clínic
- Ninth International Congress of transplantation of allogenic tissues, 2009
- Cosmetic blepharoplasty and orbital rejuvenation, 2010
- Annual course for residents SECPRE, Rhinoplasty, 2010
- Intralipotherapy training cours, 2010
- Mediterranean aesthetic medicine meeting, 2011
- Second International course on genital aesthetic surgery, 2013
- Fifteenth European Burns Association Congress, 2013 (Vienna)
- Eighteenth MBC meeting. Euro Mediterranean Council for Burns and Fire Disaster, November 2014 (Torino, Italy)
- Pre-operative Planning in Complex Cases with Dr Dennis Hammond, September 2014
- European Congress of Plastic Surgery, May 2017 (Pisa, Italy)
- Secondary breast surgery, May 2017 (Oviedo, Spain)
- European Burns Association Congress, September 2017 (Barcelona, Spain)
- 29th European Association of Plastic Surgeons (EURAPS) Congress, May 17 – 19, 2018 (Madrid, Spain).
- International Conference on Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, London 11-12 March.
- National Congress of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgery, Madrid May 22-24 2019.
- XXI International course on plastic and aesthetic surgery. Clínica Planas. June 2019. Barcelona.
- Rhinoplasty Barcelona Symposium. Clínica Teknon. May 2019. Barcelona.
Lectures and theoretical and practical presentations
“Chemical burns in the last 5 years at Vall d’Hebron Hospital”. XLI National Congress of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SECPRE), 2006.
Participation in the Burns round table at the XLI Congress of the Catalan Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 2006.
“Treatment of auricular dystopias via a perimetral approach and elevation of the auditory canal”, XLVI National Congress of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 2011.
“Role of microsurgery in the burn patient”, XLVI National Congress of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 2011.
“Procedures and temporal sequence in the surgical treatment of large-scale burn patient: our experience”, XLVII National Congress of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 2012.
“Application of dermal regenerator in multiple layers for coverage and filling of skin defects and body contour”, XLVII National Congress of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 2012.
“Therapeutic options in full-thickness burns in the lower limb with tibial exposure”, XLVII National Congress of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 2012.
Pérez M, Binimelis MM, Ferrer C, Aguilera J, Ruiz M, Colado JM, Barret JP. “Role of the local injection of methylprednisolone in the seroma following creation of a latissimus dorsi flap”, XLVIII National Congress of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 2013.
Ferrer C, Pérez M, García V, Ruiz M, Barret JP. “Acute management of chemical burns in the ER”, XLVIII National Congress of the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 2013.
Ruiz-Castilla M, Sanz D, Aguilera J, Serracanta J, Collado JM, García V, Barret JP. Intra-abdominal hypertension in severe burn patients: The Vall d’Hebron pilot study. 15th European Burns Association Congress, Vienna 2013.
Ruiz-Castilla M. Intraabdominal hypertension in severe burn patients. 18 MBC meeting. Euro Mediterranean Council for Burns and Fire Disaster, Torino 2014.
Ruiz-Castilla M. Biomarkers and outcomes in acute burns. European Burns Association Congress. Barcelona, September 2017.
Ruiz-Castilla M. Soluble Suppression of Tumorgenicity-2 Predicts Hospital Mortality in Burn Patients. European Association of Plastic Surgeon Congress. May 2018.
Ruiz-Castilla M. Why and how to perform a robotic program on plastic surgery. International Conference on Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, London 11-12 March.
B Dos Santos, M Ruiz-Castilla. Inferior Pole Expansion with Lipofilling for Tuberous Breast Surgery. Clin Surg. 2021;6(1):3287.
Co-author of the chapters 1) Fulguration, 2) Animal Bites and Sting and 3) Burns and Scalding injuries and 3) Injuries in the book titled Mountain and Wilderness Medicine. Evidence Based. Editorial McGraw Hill Educaiton. 1st edition, 978-84-486-1710-3.
Patricia Guilabert, Mireia Ruiz-Castilla, Joan P. Barret. Fluidoterapia en el paciente gran quemado. In the book: Medicina transfusional perioperatoria. Editorial Elsevier, 2nd edition. ISBN 978-84-9113-241-7.
Co-author of the chapters de 1) Técnicas, 2) Shock i 3) Lesiones producidas por el fuego y el agua in the book: Manual de Medicina de Montaña y del Medio Natural, basado en la evidencia. ISBN 978-84-9119-163-5.
M Ruiz-Castilla, P Bosacoma, B dos Santos, J Baena, P Guilabert, J Marin-Corral, JR Masclans, O Roca, JP Barret. Soluble Suppression of Tumorigenicity-2 Predicts Hospital Mortality in Burn Patients: An Observational Prospective Cohort Pilot Study. Shock 2019; 51(2):194-199.
Aguilera-Sáez J, Binimelis MM, Collado JM, Dos Santos BP, García V, Ruiz-Castilla M, Serracanta J, Barret JP. Electrical burns in times of economic crisis: A new epidemiologic profile.
Burns. 2016 Jun 27. pii: S0305-4179(16)30189-9. doi: 10.1016/j.burns.2016.06.016.
M Ruiz-Castilla, O Roca, JR Masclans, JP Barret. Recent advances in biomarkers in severe burns. Shock 2016;45(2):117-125.
M Ruiz-Castilla, JP Barret, D Sanz, J Aguilera, J Serracanta, V Garcia, JM Collado Analysis of intra-abdominal hypertension in severe burned patients: The Vall d’Hebron experience. Burns 2014;40(4):719-24.
Obregon L, Ruiz Castilla M, Binimelis MM, Guinot A, García V, Puig O, Barret JP. Laparoscopic repair of non-complicated lumbar hernia secondary to a latissimus dorsi flap. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2014;67(3):407-10.
Serracanta J, Ruiz Castilla M, Barret JP. Microcirugía y Regeneradores Dérmicos en el Paciente Quemado. Revista de la Sociedad Española de Heridas. En prensa.
Obregon L, Ruiz Castilla M, Serracanta J, Barret JP. Indicaciones y uso del apósito Mepilex Ag® en la Unidad de Quemados del Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebrón. Revista de la Sociedad Española de Heridas. ISSN 2171-8644. Marzo 2012
Barret JP, Serracanta J, Collado JM, Garrido A, Salamero P, Pont T, Masnou N, Arana E, Arno A, Garcia V, Sancho J, Ruiz M. Full face transplantation organization, development, and results–the Barcelona experience: a case report. Transplant Proc. 2011;43(9):3533-4.
Ruiz M, Garcia O, Hernán I, Sancho J, Serracanta J, Barret JP. Revolving-door flap: an alternative for the coverage of acute burn defects of the auricle. Burns. 2011;37(6):e41-3.
Palao R, Monge I, Ruiz M, Barret JP. Chemical burns: pathophysiology and treatment. Burns. 2010 ;36(3):295-304.
Ongoing research projects
Dr Ruiz Castilla is currently participating in several lines of research in the monitoring and use of new treatments in burn patients.
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